October 2022: I Like The Thing You Do
post originally published october 24, 2022
"Nelda Stockman" with "Tiny Boat Sessions" in the Puget Sound. I wrote the song many years ago under a tree outside a hospice center in Austin, TX.
Welcome to all the wonderful folks we met along the 360 miles of bikeways and merch tables throughout the Northeast. Jeremy and I were blown away by the kindness we encountered from New York to Maine!
A Story-
In early September I taught a songwriting workshop through Path With Art – a Seattle based organization supporting communities recovering from homelessness, addiction, and other trauma through arts engagement. I met Bill after the workshop. He joined PWA a few years ago when he had an alcohol abuse problem and was living on the streets in downtown Seattle. Bill enrolled in a multi-media art class, and accepted the challenge of the "24-hours sober" policy. At some point he made a painting called, "Eggs On Toast" based on what his father made him for breakfast as a child. Bill says, "That painting changed my life." His classmates engaged with it, were moved by it, told him they liked it. Bill said it wasn't a reaction he'd ever experienced, certainly not growing up. The simple act of "I like the thing you do," made him feel valued, valuable.
When I met Bill he was sober, with a regular creative practice, and a thriving online store (selling his original art using NFTs).
Bill's story made me think of how I've been given that profound and simple gift of, "I like the thing you do" in spades. And I don't think it's any coincidence that I keep wanting to create. We have a tremendous ability to lift the people around us. To be the sturdy stake tied to the small tree. Here's to all who say, "I believe in you." Here's to doing it today! Right now! Write the text. Dial the number. Send the Snapchat. Turn to the person next to you :)
Orange leaves on maple trees,
Above is the promotional image for a songwriting workshop that took place online in December 2022. This particular opportunity is no longer available but if you click on the image you will be sent to the Jenner Fox eventbrite page where there may be more timely things of the sort.
September on the Road
Fox Recommends
Vote! Find out if you're registered to vote or how to register here. It's that season again (seems like it was just last year)...This November I'm voting because in traveling all over the country and meeting so many kind caring people, I want those voices to represent our country, and I choose to think my vote matters.
Vote Forward. A letter writing campaign to help get out the vote. A handwritten letter from human to human makes a sense to me as a way to encourage more voting! They're big send is Oct 29th, still plenty of time to write a few.
World Corrupt Podcast. I'm obsessed, I can hardly wait for episode #3! WC is a collaboration bridging the worlds greatest sports competition (Da World Cup) with the disturbing political situation surrounding the event. Hosted by two of the most enjoyable people to listen to (in my book), Roger of "Men In Blazers" and Tommy of "Pod Save America." The story behind Qatar getting the 2022 bid through the corruption in FIFA is mind boggling and fascinating. The pod aims to "explore what it means to be a fan and a responsible citizen of the world while watching the most popular sporting event on the planet."